Kerjasama Program

Mikrotik Academy
MikroTik Academy SMK N 1 Nglipar adalah program kerjasama SMK N 1 Nglipar dengan MikroTik, sebuah perusahaan produsen router (baik hardware maupun software) di Latvia, Eropa.
SMK N 1 Nglipar telah mendapatkan izin resmi dari pihak Mikrotik untuk mengadakan pelatihan dan ujian sertifikasi kompetensi MikroTik Certified Network Associates (MTCNA) bagi siswa-siswi jurusan Teknik Komputer dan Jaringan SMK N 1 Nglipar. Pelatihan dilaksanan oleh guru SMK N 1 Nglipar sendiri yaitu Fera Zulkarnain, S.Pd sebagai MikroTik Academy Trainer.
Sertifikat kompetensi MTCNA hasil pelatihan diakui dan berlaku secara internasional. Dengan dipakainya router MikroTik baik di lingkup perusahaan kecil (small office home office) sampai perusahaan besar (enterprise) di seluruh penjuru dunia, tamatan Teknik Komputer dan Jaringan SMK N 1 Nglipar pemegang sertifikat kompetensi MTCNA siap terjun di dunia kerja global.
English :
MikroTik Academy SMK N 1 Nglipar is a collaborative program between SMK N 1 Nglipar with MikroTik, a manufacturer of routers (both hardware and software) in Latvia, Europe.
SMK N 1 Nglipar has obtained an official license from Mikrotik to conduct training and certification exam of MikroTik Certified Network Associates (MTCNA) for students of Computer Network Engineering Department in SMK N 1 Nglipar. The training was carried out by teachers of SMK N 1 Nglipar, Fera Zulkarnain, S.Pd as MikroTik Academy Trainer.
The MTCNA competency certificate of training outcome is recognized and applied internationally. With the use of MikroTik routers both in the scope of small companies (small office home offices) to large companies (enterprises) throughout the world, the graduates of Computer Engineering and Network SMK N 1 Nglipar with MTCNA competence certificate are ready to work in the global workplace.